what is your role at noa?

I joined noa as Communications & Marketing Manager, leading all things relating to external comms and community engagement. This encompasses our branding, stakeholder communications, and public relations.

what is your backstory?

I earned my stripes at strategic communications and public policy consultancy Milltown Partners, where I advised a number of tech and venture clients on reputation management, media relations, and public policy strategy. Prior to that, I spent a few years in Whitehall working on budget policy and tax communications. I studied Government & Economics at the London School of Economics. I grew up in Gloucestershire in the UK and am originally Egyptian.

what excites you about built world tech?

The scale of the challenge and the potential for disruption. The more I see of the world the more I’m convinced our cities and urban areas simply aren’t working as they could be. It also affects everyone, whether or not they’re conscious of it.

what do you like to do in your spare time?

When I’m not visiting friends and family you can usually find me watching or playing all manner of sports. I’m much better at watching than I am playing, but I hope one day to return to my peak form of winning a tennis tournament at the age of 7.

what’s your favourite city and why?

I’d have to say Cairo. My family are from Alexandria but every time I visit Cairo, I’m always blown away by how alive it is. It comes with a whole host of issues from a built world perspective, but I can’t help but love how much diversity and character there is in the city.