an aerial view of a modern circular manmade construction

our story: built world

The built world encompasses everything from the buildings we occupy, and the spaces that surround us, to the roads we travel, the bridges that connect communities, and the energy and grids that power them.

We believe the built world is more than just physical infrastructure: it is a manifestation of human ingenuity and a reflection of societal values.

We call it humanity’s OS.

a view of a modern circular manmade construction
an aerial view of a modern circular manmade construction

global challenge

As the backdrop to our daily lives and the platform on which humanity operates, the built world is facing an existential moment. Real estate, the largest asset class in the world worth $380 trillion, is the least digitised and most polluting industry, contributing to 40% of global carbon emissions. It is where our most pressing challenges and opportunities intersect, from climate change and resource scarcity to urbanisation and technological advances, and where the future progress, sustainability, and wellbeing of our society reside.

Given its scale and fragmentation, the built world requires long term capital at scale to support its transformation and digitisation.

our ethos

We seek to drive positive transformation across the entire spectrum of new materials, design architecture, engineering construction, building operations, electrification, energy transition, decarbonisation, and climate resiliency. Our name, noa, denotes movement and motion to accelerate change, paving a better way for future generations.

a view of a modern circular manmade construction
a view of a modern circular manmade construction

investment partners

As Europe's largest built world technology fund, noa is the partner of choice for early stage, built world tech companies, and asset owners and financial sponsors who recognise us as the sector leading specialist. Our network of select LPs and strategic partners provides our portfolio companies with access to some of the world’s largest incumbents in real estate and construction, to accelerate their development, growth, and commercial progress.

we believe the built world is ‘humanity's OS’ a foundational layer that dictates how we interact with the world around us

eco-system model

the built world: human-made environments, spaces, infrastructures, resources, and energies on which humanity operates