what is your role at noa?

As an investment team member, I’m mostly focussed on sourcing, due diligence, and closing deals.

what is your backstory?

I began my career in strategy consulting, which is a great place to start a career, but I quickly realised that’s not where I wanted to end it. As an individual with a high appetite for risk I decided to pursue a career in VC. I quit my job in consulting and hustled my way into a Pre-Seed PropTech fund where I was on the investment team for a couple of years. I joined the noa investment team four years ago and haven’t looked back. Before all the madness, I did a Bachelor’s degree in Business at the London School of Economics and a Master’s degree in Economics at Imperial College.

what excites you about built world tech?

We all spend close to 90% of our lives inside buildings, and real estate is by far the largest asset class globally. The vastness and scope of the ability of built world tech to impact humanity is unmatched.

what do you like to do in your spare time?

I keep active with tennis, weightlifting, boxing, and football. Unfortunately, I had to hang up my boots for the latter due to one too many foot breaks and ligament tears – it was a glorious career while it lasted. I also read a lot of non-fiction and meditate daily. Otherwise, I work towards an ongoing world record attempt for the most acai ever consumed by a person.

what’s your favourite city and why?

Mexico City - the amalgamation of vibrant culture, unique topography, and flavourful tacos make it a special place.